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DT 45000 - Temperature Transmitter

The Uni­ver­sal Trans­mitter DT 45000 con­verts sen­sor sig­nals from Pt, Ni, KTY or TC sen­sors to tem­pe­ra­ture linear stan­dard sig­nal 0/4 to 20 mA, 0/2 to 10 V, 0/2 to 10 mA or 0/1 to 5 V. With the mV and po­ten­tio­meter input ranges further signals can be trans­formed into stan­dard signals. Poten­tio­meter end values ​​can be easily pro­grammed with a teach-in func­tion as mea­su­red value limits. Due to the easy con­fi­gu­ra­tion via USB inter­face the Trans­mitter is sui­table for flexi­ble use. The high relia­bi­lity and the pro­tec­tive se­pa­ra­tion are further fea­tu­res, which ensure a safe system ope­ra­tion.

The File menu

File menu


Using the File menu, you can load, save and document your configurations, either as a printout or as a PDF file.

The Device menu

Device menu

In the device menu, you can transfer the configuration to the connected device or load it from the device.

In addition, you can open a diagnostic window to view the current measured values and status of the device.

The Settings menu

Settings menu


In "Settings", select the programme language.

The Help menu

Help menu


In the help menu you can access the online help. You can also press [F1] at any time to call up the help for the selected element.

"About DRAGOset" provides you with information on the program.

Data record load/save

Loading and saving at the transmitter and with files

Data records can be saved in files and transmitted to the device or transmitter. Likewise, data records can load from the device or file into DRAGOset.

Measuring point number

Your measuring point number

For a printout or PDF documentation of the device settings, you can assign a measuring point number (Tag) to the device or transmitter. The number can be saved in the device, so the device every time indicates each reading with his Measuring Point Number.

The Measuring Point Number can have up to 16 characters, so the code is according to DIN EN 60617, and EN ISO 10628 (previously DIN 28004) in the device.

Sensor and compensation

Under Sensor Type, select the sensor you are connec­ting to the trans­mitter.

The connector adjusts the connec­tion that you make.

When resistance thermometers, such as Pt, Ni and KTY sensors:

4-wire: Connection with 4 wires, it means there are separate
lines for the sensor current and for measuring.
3-wire: It is important for a 3-wire connection, that all wires
have the same cable cross section. The voltage drop
is detected only on one side of the sensor and it is
assumed that the wire on the other side produces
the same voltage drop.
2-wire: In the 2-wire measurement, the lead resistances is
added to the measured sensor resistance. It has to
be as short as possible leads. You can compensate
the line resistance manually when you specify the
device, the sum of the lead resistances.

For thermocouples, the selection options for compensation change in internal, external, and manual:

internal: The terminal temperature is detected by the transmitter.
external: You have an external Pt100 sensor at a terminal block,
which measures the junction temperature.
off: The measured input value is not corrected.
manual: Enter the reference temperature as a fixed value.

Temperature range

Temperatur-Messbereich einstellen

Here you can set the desired measurement beginning and end of the measurement. The span, ie the area between the beginning and the end, shall not be less then minimum margin (see table). The possible settings are based on the operating temperature range of the sensors:

Sensor Measurement range min. Span
Pt 100, Pt 200, Pt 500, Pt 1000 -200 ... +850 °C 10 K
Ni 100 -60 ... +250 °C 10 K
Ni 200, Ni 500, Ni 1000 -50 ... 180 °C 10 K
Thermocouple Type B +250 ... +1820 °C 100 K
Thermocouple Type C (W5Re_W26Re) 0 ... +2315 °C 100 K
Thermocouple Type D (W3Re_W25Re) 0 ... +2315 °C 100 K
Thermocouple Type E -270 ... +1000 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type J -210 ... +1200 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type K -270 ... +1372 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type L -200 ... +900 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type N -270 ... +1300 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type R -50 ... +1768 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type S -50 ... +1768 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type T -270 ... +400 °C 50 K
Thermocouple Type U -200 ... +600 °C 50 K
Potentiometer up to 50 kOhms 0 ... 100 % 10 %
mV-Input ±100 mV -100 ... +100 mV 5 mV
mV-Input ±1000 mV -1000 ... +1000 mV 50 mV
Resistance 0 ... 5 kOhm 20 Ohm
KTY types -50 ... +150 °C 25 K

Output type and characteristics

Output type and characteristics

At the output, there are 8 common standard signal ranges available:
0 to 20 mA
, 4 to 20 mA, 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 0 to 10 mA, 2 to 10 mA, 2 to 10 V and 1 to 5 V.

The selected measurement range is linearly mapped to the output range. On the rising characteristic the begin of  measuring range corresponds to the 0/2/4 mA or 0/1/2 V, the end of measuring range to the 10/20 mA or 5/10 V. The falling characteristic reverses the course. The transfer function of the converter is shown graphically in DRAGOset.

Error signalisation

Error signalisation

The error signalisation defines whether errors will be left the output range. In this case, the output signal jumps to 22 mA, 11 V, 11 mA or 5.5 V, depending on the output selection.
Alternatively, the setting 0 mA, 2 mA, 4 mA or 0 V, 1 V, 2 V be chosen to signal the error, the output will remain in the range of measured values​​. This can be useful for example at a PLC input, that cannot handle signals out of range, the detection of the error then must be in the PLC.

  over range in range
output type output range error signal output range error signal
0 ... 20 mA 0,0 ... 20,5 mA 22,0 mA 0,0 ... 20,0 mA 0,0 mA
4 ... 20 mA 3,8 ... 20,5 mA 22,0 mA 4,0 ... 20,0 mA 4,0 mA
0 ... 10 V 0,0 ... 10,25 V 11,0 V 0,0 ... 10,0 V 0,0 V
0 ... 5 V 0,0 ... 5,125 V 5,5 V 0,0 ... 5,0 V 0,0 V
0 ... 10 mA 0,0 ... 10,25 mA 11,0 mA 0,0 ... 10,0 mA 0,0 mA
2 ... 10 mA 1,9 ... 10,25 mA 11,0 mA 2,0 ... 10,0 mA 2,0 mA
2 ... 10 V 1,9 ... 10,25 V 11,0 V 2,0 ... 10,0 V 2,0 V
1 ... 5 V 0,95 ... 5,125 V 5,5 V 1,0 ... 5,0 V 1,0 V

DIP Switches

Setting the DIP switches on the transmitter

DRAGOset cal­cu­lates from your inputs the correct DIP switch pro­gramming. This image can also be found in the PDF docu­men­ta­tion and the print­out again.

If DRAGOset is not connected with the cable to the transmitter, you can transfer the switch settings manually to the DIP switches of the transmitter. With the DIP switches only prefered default settings are possible.

If your configuration is not available as a DIP switch setting, you can program the settings using DRAGOset via the USB interface into the transmitter. The DIP switches S1-1 to S1-3 must be set to ON (PC mode).

Device diagnostics

Device diagnostics

With the menu item "Device | Diagnostics ..." call to a diagnostic screen. In this window, you get an overview of the current measured values ​​and messages of the transmitter.

This requires an online connection to the transmitter.

Simulation of input and output signals, commissioning function


With the menu item "Device | Simulation" call to a simu­lation screen of the device. In the simu­la­tion input and output values ​​can be simu­lated.

In addition, there is the commissio­ning function to check the following circuit parts with the complete mea­su­ring range. The commissio­ning function dyna­mi­cal changes the out­put value. The out­put slowly sweeps over the com­plete mea­sure­ment range, from the begin to the end value of the output range. The signal at 0 %, 50 % and 100 % of the range inserts a pause of a few seconds. It is possible to adjust the mea­sure­ment range in this check.

When you leave the simu­lator window, the simu­lation output remains active, if you do not switch off before. As a reminder, there­fore, the following window appears:

Exiting the simulation window

Wiring of Terminals

Wiring of Terminals

Depending on the selec­ted sensor type and com­pen­sa­tion changes the wiring of the trans­mitter. On this graph, you can see how the trans­mitter should be connec­ted in this mode. If you move your mouse over the image of the trans­mitter, the ter­mi­nal num­bers are displayed.

Transfer function

Display of the transfer function

DRAGOset shows the transfer function of the transmitter at the specified settings. You can see exactly the output value corresponding to the input signals. If you move your mouse over the curve, the input and output value is displayed depending on the position of the mouse pointer.

Editable Characteristic

Eingebbare Kennlinie

Eingebbare Kennlinie

If you select the sensor type "Editable Charac­te­ris­tic", an addi­tio­nal button appears be­hind the se­lec­tion. Click this button to get into the de­fi­ni­tion of the charac­te­ris­tic.

As an example, a Pt100 sensor is re­gis­te­red. In the sensor text field you can name the sensor charac­te­ris­tic, this text appears in the do­cu­men­ta­tion. The input signal is to be se­lec­ted bet­ween re­sis­tance mea­sure­ment and mV vol­tage mea­sure­ment. Now define up to 21 value pairs (input value at temperature) in the table. Leave unused lines blank. On the left side you will see your lineari­za­tion curve in a graphi­cal re­pre­sen­ta­tion.

Important! The input values ​​must be con­sis­tently in­crea­sing in the table. The tem­pe­ra­ture values ​​can be con­sis­tently in­crea­sing or con­sis­tently de­crea­sing.

Examples: In the examples you will find sample characteristic curves for sensors, special measuring ranges or linear, bilinear as well as trilinear characteristic curves for your own adaptation.

TeachIN function for mV, resistance or potentiometer

TeachIN function

With the teach-in function, you can easily scale the output range of the sensor or  potentiometer unit to the measuring range. At the right side of the sensor type selection "mV", "resistance" or "potentiometer" you find a button to call.

There are 2 modes of teach-in, at the start, the drag indicator mode is set:

Drag indicator: in the drag indicator mode the transmitter determines the minimum and maximum measured value. You move your potentiometer over the complete range (e.g. empty boiler to full boiler), the min/max readings are shown in the teach-in window. When the range is increasing, the affected limit value is highlighted in green.

Manual setting of boundaries: a click on the button MAN switch to the manual mode. The button label change to SET. Each click on the button saves the current measured value as one of two boundary limits. Click to SET once at start and a second time at the end of range. Repeat the SET as often, there are always the last two SETs as min/max.

With the Save button the min/max range is taken as the start/end values of the measurement range of DRAGOset. Than you need to transfer the values to the device.
With Cancel the determined values are discarded.